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RTM injection process for carbon fiber (DESIGN, MANUFACTURING AND OPERATION)

Within the wide range of manufacturing carbon fiber processes the Quionne team has high experience in high temperature, and high pressure RTM (Resin Transfer Moulding). This type of process that achieves short cycle time with high quality parts, we manage to do good pieces with some minute cycles. Thus it is usable for manufacturing parts in large runs and low cost for sale to final consumers.

The process begins with the design of the prototype piece (for more information on how we design the pieces click, here), once the prototype has been validated for the functionality, the design is adapted to be easily produced by RTM injection.

The mould is then 3D designed taking into account the dimensions of the prototype parts, the type of fiber cloth necessary and resin injection flows. Then the mould is manufactured aluminium or steel. Once manufactured is installed in a pneumatic or hydraulic press for opening and closing, it is also controlled with management system that controls the temperature and injection resin system.

Once the mould is operating, it begins the process of tuning the mould and is adjust the process parameters to achieve the shortest possible cycle time with high quality piece. For this next parameters are tuned: Temperatures, curves of heating and cooling the resin the injection pressure, injection time and curing time, the closing force and if necessary could make mechanical changes in the mould to improve resin flow.

Once the process is operating correctly Quionne team form the mould operator so they can operate the process correctly following the defined parameters.